eCommerce Video Solutions for Smartphones: The New Norm

Published: August 02, 2021Updated: March 09, 2022
6 min to read
eCommerce Video Solutions for Smartphones: The New Norm

When it comes to eCommerce, there has been a growing trend in recent times toward video solutions for smartphones. Indeed, a growing number of people are engaging with smartphones as part of their eCommerce experience.

When it comes to eCommerce, there has been a growing trend in recent times toward video solutions for smartphones. Indeed, a growing number of people are engaging with smartphones as part of their eCommerce experience. This has arguably transformed the way in which we buy online. And as such, it’s important for brands and eCommerce platforms to be aware of the ways by which video trends are changing how we shop. Luckily, we’re on hand today to give you some insight into how smartphones are changing the eCommerce world!

How Smartphones Are Being Used In eCommerce

eCommerce has seen massive growth during the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, the total value of eCommerce sales have increased. Some reports actually suggest that this growth is as much as a staggering 44%.

Evidently, then, times are good for eCommerce platforms. Even as high street and physical stores begin to struggle more, eCommerce brands are experiencing greater demand than ever before. To this end, it’s worth considering how the implementation of smartphone technologies may have driven this.

Of course, we’re not saying that smartphones are the sole cause for the increase. After all, with physical high street stores being forced to shut or close during the pandemic, the largest driver was arguably a lack of choice. With people unable to find the products they wanted in physical stores, a growing number turned to eCommerce to find these solutions.

Nonetheless, irrelevant of why the trend toward eCommerce growth began, it’s fair to say that smartphones have had a big influence. In short, smartphones have changed the way we shop online. eCommerce stores looking to move with the times, then, should keep an eye on these developments. In doing so, this will prove essential for ensuring long-term viability and success.

Smartphones Are Enabling Video Solutions

One of the biggest drivers for smartphones’ influence in the eCommerce world is through video solutions. Indeed, video solutions are incredibly important in many marketing efforts. With the rise of social media and content sharing platforms especially, our consumption of these videos has grown. In turn, this means that more and more of us are viewing video content on our smartphones. And, as a result, this is driving demand for certain eCommerce stores.

In short, eCommerce stores are engaging with this video tech. And the ones that are, are likely the most successful eCommerce brands at the moment.

How Video Content Is Changing Online Shopping & eCommerce

So, we’ve clarified that mobile smartphone technology is having a big influence on eCommerce. Nonetheless, it can be tough at first to see why this is. Luckily, we’ve come up with a few points. These should help you understand how video content is changing the online shopping experience. Moreover, for eCommerce brands, they may give you ideas for your next marketing strategy.

Influencer Marketing

One of the most influential forms of smartphone media for eCommerce marketing has been the rise of the influencer. Indeed, influencers are playing a growing role in the world. These influencers are rapidly expanding their content. In turn, this is leading to their own following and fan base increasing, giving them ever more influence over buying decisions.

But how significant is this? Well, the budget for celebrity and influencer endorsements has grown by over sixty percent for 2020 alone as a result of the pandemic. The pandemic has led to greater followings for these influencers. It would seem that successful eCommerce brands have picked up on this, too, and have been implementing influencers in their current marketing efforts.

Video Marketing Is More Efficient

People love video content, and for 2020, this became even more pronounced. Indeed, while conversions would previously have been around 80% for content with videos, this jumped even higher to 87% for content with videos in 2020. Just consider that for a minute — that’s a massive number of viewers actually leading to conversions. So, it’s fair to say that video conversions have been massively effective. There’s no surprise then that smartphones (which make it possible to view these videos on the go) have had a big influence in this regard on eCommerce and marketing.

Video Technologies Have Evolved!

As an additional benefit for eCommerce, video technology has evolved greatly in recent times. Indeed, new technologies are always being released. These are offering a huge amount of potential for eCommerce platforms! What’s more, by implementing new technologies to video content, the videos themselves are becoming ever more engaging and interesting. This, in turn, is helping push conversions through the roof!

Types Of Video Marketing Content

So, we’ve clarified that video marketing content is having big impacts. But what are the types of video marketing content, and how are they having this effect? Some of the most notable types of video marketing content for eCommerce platforms include the following models and video types:

  • Product reviews — these are a highly effective way for eCommerce platforms to promote their products through a video medium. Notably, many influencers are offering product reviews or endorsements for brands. In turn, this can provide a big boost for the eCommerce brand itself.
  • Guides and how to videos — some products can be difficult to use. Not knowing how to use a product can put people off buying it. However, guides and how-to videos are an effective way to overcome this. These videos demonstrate a product’s versatility, which can be hugely beneficial from the eCommerce brand’s perspective. In fact, Hubspot found that as many as 80% of people would be tempted to buy a product after watching a positive explainer video. Note here, we mention positive explainer videos. Indeed, if the video overcomplicates things, this will likely skew this statistic and leave people less tempted to buy.
  • Live shopping — this is especially big in China, but it’s gathering pace globally. Live shopping options provide social proof, appealing visuals, and the like to encourage customers to make a purchase.


A growing number of eCommerce brands are engaging with video technology. This is helping boost their own marketing efforts and conversions. Inevitably, this will only be effective if the video content is carefully made with attention given to camera angles, content, and the like. Nonetheless, a well-made video, coupled with the rise of the smartphone, can be an excellent marketing tool for many eCommerce platforms to consider.

Vadim Dyvlyash

Vadim Dyvlyash

Head of Business Development at Aristek Systems

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed how we market our products. Don’t leave your eCommerce marketing to chance. Invest in smartphone video marketing, and you’ll likely see your brand’s conversions soar!

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